Friday 5 April 2013

What does the article 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing' in the journal 2013 mean?

' Uncovering how Deadly Bacteria Trick the Immune System.'
This research found that certain bacteria, including the type that causes TB, can pretend to be viruses when infecting humans. This trick triggers the immune system to launch an attack which is designed to fight viruses not bacteria.
I think its possible that TB's secret to survival lies in its ability to become dormant. Perhaps TB not only becomes dormant at temperatures below 37 degrees C., but also when threatened, moved or stressed e.g. under lab conditions.
The general consensus is that the HIV virus causes AIDS. I have always believed that a gigantic mistake was made, that AIDS is Miliary TB, that this causes the immune system to become deficient, malfunction and later collapse, which results in secondary infections e.g. other bacteria, fungal and viruses such as herpes, HIV, etc..

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