Monday 31 March 2014

What caused the recent spate of domestic cat TB?

Its possible that the official badger culls as well as anti badger farmers who acted on their own may have resulted in the recent transmission of TB to domestic cats, and from the cats to humans.  Shooting badgers is inhumane and also dangerous from a health point of view.  Escaped, shot and wounded TB infected badgers on the run would have been leaking infectious body fluids.  Under threat in their normal habitat some of them may have sought refuge close to, or, in urban areas.  In pain, frightened and defensive they would have been more likely to attack if they felt threatened by other animals, including domestic cats and dogs.  Even if they didn't attack, their body fluids would have posed a risk.

I also believe that TB vaccination of badgers without prior testing is misguided and dangerous.  Vaccinating an already TB infected badger could result in the emergence of a stronger strain of the disease.

 Injectable Badger Vaccination

Cat to human TB link

First cat-to-human TB infection